Sunday, September 21, 2008



Changes the name of the source datafile to the target datafile name in all SQL statements where the source datafile is referenced: CREATE TABLESPACE, CREATE LIBRARY, and CREATE DIRECTORY.

Syntax and Description

Remapping datafiles is useful when you move databases between platforms that have different file naming conventions. The source_datafile and target_datafile names should be exactly as you want them to appear in the SQL statements where they are referenced. Oracle recommends that you enclose datafile names in quotation marks to eliminate ambiguity on platforms for which a colon is a valid file specification character.

You must have the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role to specify this parameter.


The following is an example of using the REMAP_DATAFILE parameter.

> impdp hr/hr FULL=y DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=db_full.dmp

This example remaps a VMS file specification (DR1$:[HRDATA.PAYROLL]tbs6.f) to a UNIX file specification, (/db1/hrdata/payroll/tbs6.f) for all SQL DDL statements during the import. The dump file, db_full.dmp, is located in the directory object, dpump_dir1.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hai remap_datafile has not worked on oracle 10g .. please help me